Launch and Develop your Business in Ticino: 14 Essential Tips Based on My Experience

Your successful journey in the Ticino market, from establishment to expansion

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Your successful journey in the Ticino market, from establishment to expansion

I am thrilled to share with you 14 crucial tips for launching and developing any company in the Ticino market 🔴🔵. 

As many are aware, Ticino is a unique area for various cultural reasons. Drawing from my own modest and humble experience of launching and developing projects across various sectors in the Ticino market, I have identified 14 practical tips that apply to just about any enterprise aiming to grow in this market. Here they are👇: 

1. Dedicate enough time for market analysis 
Prepare a series of hypotheses to validate with prospects, customers, and partners. For example, a company could conduct a SWOT analysis to understand the competitive landscape before launching a new product or service. 

2. Create a short-term strategic plan 
This plan should cover at least the next 6 months or at most 1 year. Beyond this period, planning doesn’t make much sense in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world. However, it is vital to have a clear vision of the next few years and well-defined objectives. For example, an SME might focus on customer acquisition and revenue targets for the next year. 

3. Set up a CRM with a basic database 
Import data extracted from free webscrapers using key filters related to your target customers. An SME, for instance, could use this data to personalize their communication and marketing campaigns. 

4. Work closely with initial customers 
Offer them favorable conditions in exchange for quality feedback (focus on the problem/need, not the solution), references, and word-of-mouth. A tech startup, for example, could offer early customers discounted rates in exchange for detailed feedback on their product. 

5. Be flexible with sales contracts in the first year 
While maintaining a base of standardization for the future. This can help attract more clients initially by accommodating their specific needs and requirements. 

6. Leverage partnerships or local activities 
Create press releases to send to local media. This can help a local restaurant, for example, gain more exposure and recognition within the community. 

7. Always show kindness and courtesy 
Small mistakes in behavior can create a detrimental domino effect. This advice is universal, yet critically important when building relationships with clients and partners. 

8. Create long-term value 
It’s important to climb up the value chain related to your sector from the beginning. For instance, a small fashion brand could aim to incorporate sustainable materials, not just for the immediate market trend, but also for a long-term impact on their brand image and value. 

9. Work closely with category / sector organizations 
This could provide access to a wealth of resources, expertise, and networking opportunities, benefiting businesses of any size. 

10. Participate and organize cross-cutting events 
Events that go beyond the reference market in which you operate. This can help businesses extend their network and discover opportunities for collaboration or diversification. 

11. Make concrete references to current customers in your sales pitch 
Customers who most closely resemble the potential customer in question. For instance, a software company could share successful case studies of similar clients to reassure the prospects. 

12. Ask impact questions at the first meeting with the prospect 
For example, “How do you envision your ideal company in 5 years, and how can I help you achieve it?” This can help stimulate forward-thinking conversations and uncover deep insights about a prospect’s goals. 

13. Don’t be afraid to make an extra call 
To finally organize that vital meeting with a prospect. This can prove to the prospect that your business is genuinely interested in meeting their needs. 

14. Pamper both prospects and customers 
Surprise them with actions that lighten their work routine. For instance, a digital marketing agency could occasionally provide free audit reports or useful industry updates to their clients. 

What about your tips? 🤓 

Would you like to have a chat about it? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment or to write to me privately. 

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